University of Alberta, Canada, has found one in three women near menopause transition use cannabis mainly for medical purposes for symptom management.
Researchers in the study analyzed responses from nearly 1,500 women living across the province of Alberta, of which 18% were in pre-menopause, 33% were in perimenopause, 35% were in post menopause, and a small percentage had either undergone a hysterectomy and/or bilateral oophorectomy. Of the women studied, roughly a third (33%) reported using cannabis within the last 30 days and 65% indicated ever using cannabis. Current cannabis rates were similar among the different menopause stages.
Of the 499 current cannabis users, 75% reported use for medical purposes. The most common reasons for current use included: sleep issues (65%), anxiety (45%), muscle/joint achiness (33%), irritability (29%), and depression (25%).
For more information about the study, visit midlife women’s health issues, menopause and healthy aging, visit